Thursday, June 06, 2002

The personals

Thursday Threesome:
Onesome. Parsley - does anyone really cook with this stuff?!? what is the weirdest/funniest thing you ever did with the garnish on your plate at a restaurant.
No, I never cook with it, and no, I've never done anything weird with it when I found it on my plate.

Twosome. Sage - to whom do you turn for advice? This isn't limited to just one person but could be several different people for different situations.
My wife, of course.

Threesome. Rosemary and Thyme - what does the name "Rosemary" mean to you and to what time frame does the memory belong?
What an odd question. (I guess they can't all be gems.) "Rosemary" holds absolutely no meaning for me. It's just a word in a Simon and Garfunkel song. I've no idea what it's used for.

The Friday Five:
...appears to be missing in action. I'll have to find some other cheery list of questions to answer.

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