Tuesday, August 26, 2003

How reassuring
BBC | Old people have a sense of humour

Researchers in Canada have found that a person's sense of humour remains intact when they grow old.
However, they have found that the ability to understand more complex jokes can deteriorate with age.
Writing in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, the researchers suggested ageing of the brain is to blame.
Dr Prathiba Shammi and colleagues at the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care in Toronto have previously identified the part of the brain associated with humour, namely the right frontal lobe.
They also showed that people with damage in this area of the brain, from a stroke for instance, were less able to appreciate punch lines and preferred slapstick humour.
In this latest study, they sought to find out if growing old also affected a person's sense of humour.

I like the note they felt compelled to add in the caption to the accompanying photo: "The findings apply to people with a sense of humour in the first place."

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