Friday, May 16, 2003

Thursday Threesome::Quick as Can Be!::
Onesome: Quick as-- Quickly now, June is almost here: are you attending any graduation ceremonies in the next few weeks? Hmmm... Maybe that should be "Have you been invited to any?"

Nope. (This is my son's last year in elementary school, but they are correctly calling it a Promotion Exercise.)

Twosome: Can-- Still moving right along: Can it really be the Merry Month of May? How many birthdays do you have to remember this month? Family? Friends? Associates?

My son's birthday is the 29th: He'll be twelve. Ulrika's is... why, it's today!

Threesome: Be(e)-- Be ready, the bug population is starting to be a bother (at least from blog reports). Is there any particular crawly or flying beastie that just makes you jump out of your skin?

Not really. I hate mosquitoes worst of all, the little bloodthirsty vermin.

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