Thursday, February 12, 2004


That's why I haven't said much about the early stages of the presidential primaries. I live in Georgia: Our primary is so late in the season (March 2) that we're accustomed to all the shouting being over by the time we're asked to vote. We don't expect to see any of the candidates here.

After all, some fool might ask them which flag they favor, and who wants to get mixed up in that?

I don't think of myself as a single-issue voter, but I have to admit that the first question I ask myself is this: "Which of these men would I choose to be the commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces?" And I invariably vote for the name with which I answer that question.

Kerry has already said he'll yield that responsibility to the United Nations. That lets him out.

LATER: The importance of the upcoming flag referendum, and the reason it won't settle the issue once and for all, is that the 1956-2001 flag won't be on the ballot. The voters of Georgia will be offered only the two flags above from which to choose. This one... going to haunt Georgia politics until it is defeated in a popular vote.

Which, at this rate, means forever.

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