Sunday, August 04, 2002

The shape of things to come
I don't often get premonitions, but it seems inevitable that there's a real medical breakthrough on the way. With so many people looking for it, someone will almost certainly find it. Although they may not find it where they were looking.

Drug promises lovers a whiff of instant passion
SCIENTISTS have developed an "instant" alternative to Viagra. The new anti- impotence drug, PT-141, is a nasal spray designed to stir the passions of both men and women within minutes.

Anti-Smoking Drug Can Cause Spontaneous Orgasm
...The chemical ingredient in Zyban, bupropion, increases the amount of your happy brain chemicals. No one knows for sure why this suppresses the nicotine craving, but as an added benefit, bupropion can boost sexual desire in women. Interestingly, a woman taking this medicine reported a "spontaneous orgasm" while shopping. With that kind of side effect, who needs to smoke?

For God's sake, don't take them together!

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