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Could be worse. Most of the time I feel like Dory.
BBC | Give leather the boot, India urgedI suppose this is no sillier than Chik-Fil-A's cows. But I thought cows were already sacred in India?
An animal welfare group is urging Indians to steer clear of wearing leather with an advertising campaign featuring singing cows.
"Do I make myself clear? Keep your hands off my rear!" croons a cow in the 30-second TV advert.
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) hopes the lip-synched bovines will persuade Indians to boycott leather products.
Fox News | Albright: Bin Laden Comments Were 'Tongue-in-Cheek'Is this how Democrats think?
Albright was in the Fox News studio's green room waiting to appear on an evening program when she made the remark.
"She said, 'Do you suppose that the Bush administration has Usama bin Laden hidden away somewhere and will bring him out before the election?'" said Fox News analyst and Roll Call executive editor Mort Kondracke.
Boston Herald | Fur flies over flier: PETA targets ‘Nutcracker’ kidsI heard this on the radio and assumed it was a parody. But the image at right comes from PETA's own "FurIsDead.com" website. The "comic" (actually a single-sheet handout) ends with this sentence: "Keep your doggie or kitty friends away from mommy—she’s an animal killer!"
Animal rights advocates will single out small children at performances of "The Nutcracker'' in the next few weeks by handing out fliers saying "Your Mommy Kills Animals'' to youngsters whose mothers are wearing fur.
"Children can't look up to a mom in a battered-raccoon hat or a crushed coyote collar,'' said Ingrid Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "Maybe when they're confronted by their own children's hurt looks, fur-wearers' cold hearts will melt.''
The fliers include a color drawing of a woman plunging a large bloody knife into the belly of a terrified rabbit. The fliers urge kids to "ask your mommy how many dead animals she killed to make her fur clothes."
Isntapundit | A Pretty Picture
Let the record show that on December 10, when thousands of Iraqis marched in the streets, demanding an end to Ba'athist terror, there was no coverage whatsoever on CNN's website. Even after two days of enthusiastic reaction and animated discussion at web logs throughout the political spectrum, CNN still did not take notice of the story.
Healing Iraq | A great day for IraqOf course, for all we know this happens every day in Iraq...
The rallies today proved to be a major success. I didn't expect anything even close to this. It was probably the largest demonstration in Baghdad for months. It wasn't just against terrorism. It was against Arab media, against the interference of neighbouring countries, against dictatorships, against Wahhabism, against oppression, and of course against the Ba'ath and Saddam.
We started at Al-Fatih square in front of the Iraqi national theatre at 10 am. IP were all over the place. At 12 pm people started marching towards Fardus square through Karradah. All political parties represented in the GC participated. But the other parties, organizations, unions, tribal leaders, clerics, school children, college students, and typical everyday Iraqis made up most of the crowd. Al-Jazeera estimated the size of the crowd as over ten thousand people.
You can find a list of some of the parties that we noticed there at Omar's blog. At one point it struck me that our many differences as an Iraqi people meant nothing. Here we were all together shouting in different languages the same slogans "NO NO to terrorism, YES YES for peace".
I spent most of the time taking pictures. heh, I really enjoyed playing the role of a journalist. Everyone was tugging at my sleeves asking me to take their photos mistaking me for a foreign reporter. Some people recognized a reporter from Al-Arabiyah station and they started taunting him. One old man shouted to him "For once, speak the truth".
BBC | 12-23-98 | Oil-for-food scheme no cure-allYes, I see how heartless the US is, allowing the UN to line its own pockets with Iranian oil money, and even proposing that the program be expanded to produce enough aid that it might actually get to the Iragi people, rather than insisting that the UN not skim a third off the top. Darn our enabling hides.
As United Nations humanitarian staff go back to work in Iraq after the US-led air strikes, serious questions hang over the UN oil-for-food programme which funds the distribution of desperately needed aid to millions of ordinary Iraqis.
...Under the programme, which began in December 1996, Iraq has been allowed to sell oil worth $5.2bn every six months to buy essential supplies for its people. About a third of the proceeds go towards the UN weapons inspection programme and a compensation fund for the damage caused by the Gulf War.
The programme's aim is to offset the shortages and suffering caused by UN trade sanctions which have been in place against Iraq since the Gulf War, pending the destruction by Baghdad of all banned weapons.
But the arrangement faces a number of problems:
* Because of a slump in oil prices, proceeds from sales have amounted to only about 3bn dollars in the past six months, well short of the 5.2bn dollar limit.
* In response to this, the US has proposed increasing the amount of oil Iraq can sell if there is assessed to be a humanitarian need for more food. But because of the poor state of Iraq's petrochemical industry, there are doubts as to whether Iraq would be able to produce more oil for export even if it were allowed to.
* In spite of the programme, serious deprivation and malnourishment are a reality in Iraq. A Unicef report in 1997 estimated that nearly one million Iraqi children were chronically malnourished.
The Iraq Foundation | 10-7-2002 | U.N. Oil-for-Food Program Is A Windfall For SaddamAh. I see.
Mother's-milky though it sounds, the oil-for-food program has enough graft, mismanagement, and Saddam-strengthening patronage to turn one permanently against both oil and food. A real critique could occupy volumes -- and does, in fact, occupy much of an exhaustive analysis, titled Sources of Revenue for Saddam and Sons, recently issued by the Washington-based Coalition for International Justice, a group that monitors human-rights abuses around the world.
CBS | 11-21-2003 | U.N.'s Iraq Oil-For-Food Plan EndsYou mean, they're billing the people least able to pay for it? And they're proud of that?
The United Nations oil-for-food program officially ends on Friday, seven years after the unique enterprise began feeding the majority of Iraqis. The U.S.-led coalition will take over the multi-billion dollar operation and continue supplying Iraqis with food until June.
Oil-for-food was the only humanitarian program funded entirely from resources belonging to the country it was designed to help, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said Thursday.
AFP | Iraqi minister tells UN to stop sniping, start helpingThen when would be a good time, Mr Secretary? There's some harsh words that need sayin', and you need to hear them. You let a lot of Iraqi people die over the last twelve years while you frowned sternly.
UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Iraq's foreign minister told the UN Security Council to stop bickering over the war that brought down Saddam Hussein and come together to help rebuild his shattered nation.
In a pointed address delivered with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on hand, Hoshyar Zebari said the United Nations had failed to stand up to Saddam to defend the Iraqi people, and called for a swift UN return to the country.
"One year ago, the Security Council was divided between those who wanted to appease Saddam Hussein and those who wanted to hold him accountable," Zebari told the 15-nation council, which was sharply divided over the war.
"The UN as an organisation failed to help rescue the Iraqi people from a murderous tyranny of 35 years," he said. "The UN must not fail the Iraqi people again."
Annan, who publicly opposed the US decision to launch the war after failing to win the support of the Security Council, said it was "no time to pin blame and point fingers" over the past.
"I think the UN has done as much as it can for Iraq," Annan told reporters. "So quite honestly I don't think today is the time to hurl accusations."
If Howard Dean had his way, Saddam Hussein would still be in power today, not in prison, and the world would be a more dangerous place.And the BBC reporters' log reminds us whose side they're on:
The prime minister has just delivered a speech which he's wanted to give for a long time. Tony Blair is pleased not just with what's happened-Saddam's capture-but also how. We all imagined that if the Americans got a tip off they would just bomb somewhere off the face of the earth.LATER: I had completely disregarded the references to the Democratic National Committee's official...well, whatever it is. I've seen it described as a blog, but it's more of a message board. It isn't difficult to extract a quote out of context and paint a whole group (or party) with it, left or right, and I like to think I have better things to do.
But he was captured without a shot being fired. He's looking healthy, he's not been tortured, he's being handed over to Iraqi justice.
Well, tha capture of Sadaam takes the 'failure to capture' issue off the table.Don't believe me? Here are some more bon mots that'll make your jaw drop (or your skin crawl), from the same page:
Now that the economy is picking up (mall was packed yesterday), Iraq is getting better, prescription drugs on the way, education spending at an all-time high, no further terrorist attacks——what is left?
Oh, yes, the capture of Bin Laden.
If that happens, we are completely sunk.
I personally don't care too much that Hussein was caught - he never did anything to me, but a friend of mine died in 9/11 attack.I have never been as confident that the Republicans will win an election as I am after reading what the Democrats have to say about this one.
They are making the capture of Hussein into a big deal - but it still doesn't mean all that much to me.
You are right. Hussein's capture doesn't mean that much to me either. I know the Iraqi's must be breathing a sigh of relief though. It doesn't change that much of the real terrorism threat since he was contained to being a threat only to his own people.
Now if we can do something about GWB and remove that threat from the world, we will have accomplished something. I know I need to be patient until next November for that. The impeach Bush movement is rolling but unless they impeach his whole regime, we'll go from the frying pan into the fire with Cheney.
The Newsday | Car Accident Caught on AirSo what was she doing driving down the road talking to a radio show? She shoulda... No, wait, she was pulled over.
In a frightening moment when reality radio turned all too real yesterday morning, motorist Cheryl Picker of Shoreham was debating the Michael Jackson sexual-abuse case on the air when her sport utility vehicle was hit and rolled over on the William Floyd Parkway.
Picker had just finished telling radio talk-show host Curtis Sliwa, "Maybe those are the parents that are the pedophiles," when listeners to WABC/770 AM heard a loud crash, the sound of crackling glass, tearing metal and then silence.
"Cheryl, are you OK?" co-host Ron Kuby said. "Cheryl? Cheryl?"
A faint voice responded, "Please call the cops."
The Red & Black | 'Performance art' hits Wal-MartSo, I'm guessing the assignment was, "See how disruptive you can be without actually doing anything you can be arrested for."
The Oconee County Wal-Mart was under siege Friday night by a guerrilla performance art project staged by University students for their Studio Art 2810 final.
The students, who call their group "Private Agenda," held a rave in the family bathroom and a fashion show in the electronics department before being asked to leave by Wal-Mart staff, who warned participants over the store's public announcement system that they could be arrested.
...The group documented their performance with photographs, video tape and audio recordings, and will put material on a Web Site for their final grade.
"It was an anti-control statement," said Sam Marks, a senior from Atlanta who wore a black dominatrix outfit Friday night.
Marks said her friends have been kicked out of Wal-Mart for things like hacky-sacking in the store.
...When asking students to leave, a Wal-Mart staffer referred to the event as a "feminist protest."
This may have been because of Natalie Gazaway, who wore a tiny white nurse's dress while being pushed through the store in a shopping cart asking people to take surveys.
"Would you try feminism even once?" Gazaway asked Wal-Mart customers with confused looks on their faces.
AJC | Lowe's to plant itself in Atlanta's core"We shall fight on the garden shop. We shall fight on the lumber yards. We shall fight in the parking lot, and in the streets, we shall fight in the peach trees. We shall never surrender."
The Home Depot store at Lindbergh Plaza will soon have a competitor across the parking lot. Lowe's is planning to build a store where a Kmart now stands.
..."We are at war," [Home Depot chief financial officer Carol] Tome said. "We will do whatever it takes to protect our turf."
Wired | Alien Sex! Bombs! Robots! Pathos!(Another story at RedNova.com. Make this image your desktop at the official site.)
"We realized the only way we could improve on the original is if the Cylons could have sex," quipped co-executive producer David Eick at Tuesday night's Los Angeles premiere. The chrome-domed "walking toasters" from the original TV series are succeeded by -- well, really hot blond chicks, who infiltrate human society to engineer its doom.
AP | Ga. Police Bobbleheads Sold for CharityThere is absolutely no truth to the rumor that one has been chosen as the new Atlanta chief of police.
The Covington Police Department is selling bobbleheads — complete with serious faces, shiny blue police uniforms and, of course, bouncy heads that loom over tiny bodies — of its officers to raise money for its Police Who Care Fund to help needy families.