- British academics to tackle fashion's bottom line - Yahoo! News
It is one of the most fundamental -- and, for men, potentially hazardous -- questions of modern life, for which academics now hope to provide the definitive answer: "Does my bum look big in this?"
- Distorted Tunes Test (Warning: Slow download.)
Ever wondered if you are tone-deaf? The Distorted Tune Test page can help. You listen to 25 simple tunes and judge whether they are played correctly or not (it takes about five or six minutes).
- Kids Caught on Tape: Durant Middle School Vandalized
Have you ever had the dream where you're at school....naked? Three 10-year-old boys in Bryan County did go to a school naked and it was all caught on tape.
- Official Google Blog: I'm feeling silly
Naturally, we were all curious to see what 250 pounds of Silly Putty would look like.
- Sunbelt Software Silly Putty Task Force
What happens when you drop a 50 pound beach ball made of Silly Putty off the roof of a building?
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Daily Planet 12-31
Friday, December 23, 2005
Daily Planet 12-23
- california patriot blog » Berkeley Streakers
As is tradition during finals week, a bunch of Berkeley students go streaking through the library.
- Cañon City Daily Record Newspaper
Dad, home from Middle East on leave, killed - by wife and boyfriend. No, that's not the odd part. The odd part is that the newspaper reporter tells us about his, and his daughter's, blogs.
- Entertainment Weekly's EW.com | Feature: Joss Whedon lets ''Firefly'' go
''In the end, it was what it was: a tough sell,'' says Whedon, adding that it appears the Firefly saga has reached its conclusion.
- How did the tradition of decorating a tree for Christmas get started?
Legend has it that Martin Luther first introduced the concept in 1510.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Daily Planet 12-20
- Santarchy! (Santacon)
Every December, for the last 12 years, Cacophonous Santas have been visiting cities around the world and generating a bit of naughty Christmas fun.
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Phantom
The Ghost Who... Walks?
- TheKansasCityChannel.com - Local News - 3 Quit Gym Over Fetus Christmas Tree
A Christmas tree that a pregnancy counseling organization provided to a women's fitness center prompted three people to cancel their memberships because the tree is decorated with plastic figures meant to represent fetuses.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Daily Planet 12-19
- The Sun Online | Time's up for bank clocks
Insiders say the timepieces are being taken down so the public cannot complain about how long they have had to queue.
- Washington Times | Books | Why they think of aliens
Ms. Clancy, a postdoctoral fellow in psychology at Harvard, states quite clearly early on that it is not her aim to prove that these people were abducted -- to the contrary, she does not believe these abductions ever took place -- but that we can learn why these people believe that they have been.
- TBO.com (AP) | Santas Go on Rampage in New Zealand City
Alex Dyer, a spokesman for the group, said Santarchy was a worldwide movement designed to protest the commercialization of Christmas.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Daily Planet 12-18
- BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Space cadets taken in by TV hoax
"Aw man," said Paul. "We're not astronauts. We're just asses."
- Forsman & Bodenfors Girlpower demo
The media world is becoming increasingly fixated on appearances. And the number of tricks used to achieve the increasingly exaggerated ideals is growing.
- RateMyCow.com - the greatest cow rating site in the developed world
For obvious reasons "naked" photography is allowed, as cows don't often wear clothes. However no cattle-sex pictures are allowed, nor are gratuitous udder shots. This is a family cattle site!
- REAL OR FAKE? / Choosing a Christmas tree can be an ethical quagmire for environmentalists
"Some people wanted to call it a 'peace tree' or a 'holiday tree,' " said Mark Westlund, a spokesman for the Department of the Environment. "But we figured that only people who would be celebrating Christmas would want one for the most part."
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Daily Planet 12-17
- Company Names
Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett.
- First Coast News | Navy Wife Carries Mannequin in Place of Husband
It's the newlywed's first separation, and Walker was looking for a way to get through the alone time.
- Regret The Error | Crunks '05: The Year in Media Errors and Corrections
What jumps out is that this was a year during which we witnessed the astounding consequences of media errors.
- YesButNoButYes | Outrageous Firsts in Television History
It was Leave it to Beaver that managed to cut a ground-breaking deal with the FCC, showing the first toilet on October 4, 1957.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Daily Planet 12-15
- 'Sex rage' couple facing $3.8 million bill - Jamaica Gleaner News
The pair had attacked cabin crew who stopped them having sex.
- 2GB Credit Card Shaped Storage - TrustedReviews
Much praise and adulation must go to Walletex for being the first manufacturer on the market to produce a product that truly lives up to this name.
- Blog bullies busted
"It's none of their business. Why are they monitoring online student journals in the first place?"
- Coke to launch coffee-infused Coke Blak - Yahoo! News
A Coke spokesperson said Coca-Cola Blak will be a mid-calorie drink, similar to Coca-Cola C2.
- Ersatz Santa charged after dropping pants - Union Leader
Mullen told police that he was just joking around, saying something to the effect of he was "just having some fun with the kids."
- Miniature Guide Horses for the Blind - Damn Interesting
While a miniature guide horse requires roughly the same amount of time to train, it has a typical life expectancy of 30-40 years.
- Nude teacher prank turns into whodunnit - Yahoo! News
A raunchy picture of a Cypriot teacher in a state of undress was surreptitiously downloaded from her mobile telephone and sent to hundreds of pupils.
- Skateboard move creator sues for $20M - Florida Today
The creator of an aerial skateboarding move known as ollie is suing several companies, including Disney and Sega, over the use of the word.
- Space Cadets - channel4.com
Four "thrillseekers" think they're in earth orbit, but it's really "Big Brother in Space".
- TV Writers Must Sell, Sell, Sell - Wired News
In a recent episode of the NBC series Medium, writers had to work the movie Memoirs of a Geisha into the dialogue three times because of a deal the network made with Sony earlier in the season.
- University Sells 'Big Brains On Campus' Calendars - Click2Houston.com
There are plenty of calendars that show off certain parts of the human anatomy. But a new pin-up calendar at the University of Illinois celebrates the brain.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Personal Appearances

My daughter is appearing with the William Baker Festival Singers and the Youth Festival Singers for Christmas Atlanta 2005, this Friday (8pm) and Sunday (3pm and 7pm) at Sandy Springs United Methodist Church. Admission is $20 for adults, $10 for seniors and students.
My daughter can also be heard at the Grady High School Chorus Winter Concert, at 7 pm on Tuesday, December 13 at the Grady H.S. Theater.
And even more ARTC Christmas goodness can be had at Barnes & Noble Perimeter on Saturday, December 17, as we read some of our favorite holiday stories. You'll find us at the back of the store, in the children's storytelling area.
Evil Has Reigned For 100 Years...
Last night, thanks to the generosity of my friend Jerry Page, my family and I saw an advance screening of "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." I wouldn't presume to say whether Lewis would be satisfied, although I certainly hope so. The capacity crowd who saw this screening at Phipps Plaza certainly were.
Nor can I speak to the movie's fidelity to its source: I've read the book, but it's been decades, and I remember only the broad outlines of it. But it certainly felt right.
The transition from the wardrobe interior to the snowy forest and the lonely lamp-post was exactly as I've always envisioned it. The children were a little younger than I'd pictured them, but I can't fault their letter-perfect performances. The White Queen was as icy as a human actress can be. Aslan was... well, Aslan.
"Narnia" seems ready to step into the "epic fantasy series" niche recently vacated by "Lord of the Rings." The producers have optioned all seven books, which should take care of our Christmases through 2011.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
A real page-turner
The Shape of Days | Thoughts on the ‘National Strategy’
So I’m reading the “National Strategy for Victory in Iraq.” It’s a real page-turner. Apparently this little boy named Harry is secretly a wizard, and he gets sent to this wizard school where he has wonderful adventures with his new friends, Id and Superego.
...The subtext is pretty clear, and infinitely amusing to your humble narrator: ”We did tell you our strategy three years ago; 48 percent of y’all were just too stupid to wrap your ‘American Idol’-softened noodles around it. So we’re gonna tell you all again, and again, and if necessary again until you get what we’ve been saying all along.“