AP | Plane Soars Out of Earth's AtmosphereIt doesn't get much cooler than that.
MOJAVE, Calif. - A rocket plane soared above Earth's atmosphere Monday in the first privately financed manned spaceflight, then glided back to Earth for an unpowered landing.
SpaceShipOne pilot Mike Melvill was aiming to fly 62 miles above the Earth's surface and he just exceeded that goal, reaching 62.21 miles, according to radar data.
...Later, standing on the tarmac beside the ship, Melvill said seeing the Earth from outside the atmosphere was "almost a religious experience."
"You can see the curvature of the Earth," he said. "You got a hell of a view from 60, 62 miles."
He also found time for a demonstration of weightlessness by opening a bag of M&M's candies and watching them float through the cockpit. "It was so cool," he said.
NEWS.com.au (AFP) | First mobile phone virus discoveredAnd just how am I supposed to run Norton on my phone?
THE first ever computer virus that can infect mobile phones has been discovered, anti-virus software developers said today, adding that up until now it has had no harmful effect.
The French unit of the Russian security software developer Kaspersky Labs said that that virus - called Cabir - appears to have been developed by an international group specialising in creating viruses which try to show "that no technology is reliable and safe from their attacks".
Cabir infects the Symbian operating system that is used in several makes of mobiles, notably the Nokia brand, and propagates through the new bluetooth wireless technology that is in several new mobile phones.
If the virus succeeds in penetrating the phone, it writes the inscription 'Caribe' on the screen and is then activated every time that the phone is turned on.
Courier Post | Purple properties have rich historyNow if only I had the street address of "Go"...
Low-rent district, indeed. Mediterranean Avenue carries a rent of $2 for anyone who lands on the property during Monopoly.
... But back in the day when Parker Brothers breathed life into Monopoly, Baltic and Mediterranean deserved the designation, said Sid Trusty, an Atlantic City historian.
The two were the only through streets on the north side of Atlantic Avenue, the primary demarcation point between the city's white and African-American communities.
azcentral.com | Interview twists, turnsNo, it doesn't.
The craftiest of interviewers will do more than look for hidden clues; they will create situations where a candidate will reveal his or her personality.
...Some interviewers have been known to call job seekers at home and pose as telemarketers to gauge how those candidates react. Are they rude? Do they yell? Or are they polite but insistent that they don't want to purchase anything?
How a candidate deals with an annoying telemarketing call tells the company something about how you would deal with an annoying client.
Lance said she has heard of hiring managers who spill something on a candidate to see how he or she reacts.Sorry, I'm a job candidate, not a lab rat. Interviews work both ways, you know.
Village Voice | Theater: Foreman's Wake-Up CallNow, I was going to ignore this. It's well-enough covered in the blogosphere, with even the Instapundit drawing attention to it. But then, on a whim, it occurred to me that maybe, as impossible as it seemed given the length of the quote, maybe it was being taken out of context. Here's the paragraph following:
[theater review by Michael Feingold]
Republicans don't believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don't give a hoot about human beings, either can't or won't. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.
This opinion is presumably not shared by Foreman; you can gauge the breadth of his imaginative compassion from his willingness to extend it even toward George W. Bush, idiot scion of a genetically criminal family that should have been sterilized three generations ago.Boy, some people make it really hard to give 'em the benefit of the doubt.
A Dog's Life | A Movie Not Made(Via Ipse Dixit.)
Let's imagine it's November, 1944. Allied troops are bogged down in Northern Europe and Italy. A film maker, disgusted by the progress of the war in Europe, American war strategy ("Europe first") and American culture in general decides to make a movie to "speak truth to power" and counteract the propaganda coming from Hollywood.
Let's call his movie Celsius 127, a scathing documentary suggesting that President Roosevelt lied about keeping America out of the European conflict and withheld vital intelligence from commanders in Hawaii in order that the Japanese attack would be all the more devastating. With that, he could do what he always wanted to do: commit American troops and America's fortune against Germany.
Celsius 127 would relentlessly focus on every shortcoming of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Corps. It would show that American troops were ill-trained, ill-equipped and ill-supplied, slaughtered in pointless attacks, guilty of atrocities against unarmed enemy troops that surrendered.